I spent this weekend at Porto to compete in ICPC Europe Championship competition. To be honest, I hadn’t trained much. We had performed so bad at ICPC Northwestern Regional contest that I thought we are not going to do anything special at this contest. So, I had spent very few time to practice. My ambitions…
I was reading story of a guy who created a backdoor in an open-source project and then put an effort in promoting the project and increasing his influence. All of the story and the tricks he played along the way is just mind-blowing. After reading the story, I felt the same as when I was…
It’s been a great day so far. First, I went to the study room to study for my exam for 15 minutes. There, I managed to finally have a good talk with a person that I used to think has a huge negative opinion about me, because she always avoided interacting with me. =)) Typical…
Gute Prüfung, Scheiß Prüfung
I had an exam yesterday. I did well I suppose. I mean, my grade is 64/80, and the maximum grade is 68/80. There is no one with a grade in between, so my rank is 2 in the class. I consider it as an acceptable result. This was the same course I had previously complained…
Ich brauche eine Idee. Ich brauche eine große Idee. Ich muss an etwas cool arbeiten. Ok no time to write German. Let’s get back to English. It was hard, and ChatGPT already destroyed me because of its unnatural structure. The thing is, I really need some cool idea to work on. And more importantly, I…
Ich habe vor Kurzem eine Präsentation gehalten. Bevor sie stattfand, war ich sehr gestresst. Ich hatte auch Kopfschmerzen und konnte nicht üben. Ich hatte nur genug Zeit, die Folien zu erstellen und dann sofort die Präsentation zu halten. Trotzdem war das Ergebnis überraschend gut. Es war meine erste Präsentation. Sie hat den Studierenden gefallen. Sie…
Ich habe eine Erkältung und alles was ich brauche, ist mich auszuruhen. Aber ich muss lernen, weil ich in der folgenden Woche zwei Prüfungen schreiben muss. Ich fühle mich schwach und traurig. Ich weiß schon, dass ich traurig bin, nur weil ich krank bin. Aber das beeinflusst meine Traurigkeit gar nicht. Ich muss einfach schlafen….
I finally gave my presentation at the hardware security seminar. I’m so happy about it. Actually, the students also liked it. A specific kind of positive feedback that I received was about my teaching style. It really makes me happy. Ever since I began to teach, the students have liked me. I mean, I never…
Ah I hate this apprenticeship stage. Basically, you have no status in any group. You’re just a noob. You know nothing. People will show off their -probably shallow- knowledge in front of you, and you have nothing to add. You can’t add something to implicitly say “Hey yo look, fuck you. I’m cooler than you.”…
I had a German exam today. The grammar part went good, but I messed up in the listening part as I expected. I really suck at listening. Have to work on it. I got sick again. I have to go to bed to rest. I don’t have enough focus to write a good blog post…