So, as I said, I’m trying to quit smoking. I failed horribly right after my last attempt. It seems I can’t stop smoking all at once. Today, I decided to smoke at most one cigarette at the university. I don’t care about the cigarettes I smoke at home. But I just want to see how much I can resist the cravings at the university.
It’s hard. I smoked the only allowed cigarette right after arriving at the university. It was more than two hours ago. Then, the cravings started half an hour later. I intentionally left my tobacco at home, but if I hadn’t done so, I would’ve definitely smoked more cigarettes. I came to the study room and as soon as I started to focus on studying, the craving was gone. But it came back again after I interrupted my study and started to chat with my friends. It’s like when I’m deeply engaged in something, there’s no problem. But as soon as I start to do low-engagement activities, I automatically start to think “Oh, I need to smoke. I really need to smoke.”
I already knew this fact. When I was quitting about 4-5 years ago, drinking tea and playing DotA 2 helped me the most. Whenever I had cravings, I poured in a cup of tea and started to play a round of dota 2. As soon as the game started, all my cravings were gone.
Well… I drink tea and coffee now. But should I play dota 2 again? Of course not. That’s super addictive and I don’t have enough time for it. The semester starts in a few days and I have to do a thousand things. But what should I do then to stop my cravings? Maybe playing chess or sudoku? Each round of these games can take just as long as smoking a cigarette. I don’t know. Maybe try a round of codeforces? I don’t know. Maybe study something? I don’t know. Maybe watch an episode of some series? I’m not sure about this one. Okay I have to give them a try.