Prenote: By this post, I only want to blow off some steam and get calmer, because at the moment, I’m really angry and frustrated.
This professor is just a clown. I’m surprised how he has managed to become a professor. In my opinion, the highest degree he should be able to achieve is a kindergarten teacher. But that’s even too much for him. He himself needs to be in the kindergarten as a kid and be taken care of. Seriously!
During half of the class, he’s just bragging about his previous achievements. I wonder if he’s achieved anything meaningful recently. You might think “OK, let’s be optimistic. At least the other half of the class goes well.” Haha! You must be kidding. For the other half of the class, I have to tolerate his bullshit jokes comparing Python, C, and Java. When he’s not doing so, he’s praising his TAs’ skills. I don’t give a fuck man! I don’t give a fuck! Shut up and do your job, then fuck off and let us all go home.
Speaking of TAs… Well… Yeah they are all so skillful and cool, but I think they should work on their English skills more. It shouldn’t be hard for these cool and smart guys. But at the moment, they’re totally unreasonable and irresponsible. The texts in the exercises suck. They’re totally confusing. I understand that you might be interested in the research in software obfuscation and such stuff. But hey! You don’t need to run your obfuscation technics on the exercises. They should be understandable to the students.
Well… OK, I might somehow be able to see these confusions and be open to discuss them so we can resolve them together. But what the fuck? I feel like they haven’t worked on their reading skills even enough to understand my text! Whatever, literally whatever, I’ve asked so far, I’ve just received a template response. “Read the book”, “The provided tests just test the basic functionality and don’t cover all of the cases”, etc. I know that bitch. I know that. I’ve read the book 10 times and my problem is that your sentences suck and are confusing. I know what a sample test case is, and I’m saying that you have bug even in your sample test cases. Your fucking sample test cases are wrong. FUCK YOUUUU.
P.S. Just to practice some German;
Ich bin normalerweise nicht so. Heute war für mich ein anstrengender Tag, und ich bin sehr, sehr müde. Ich bin um 10 Uhr in die Uni gegangen und habe bis 11 Uhr an einem Unterricht teilgenommen. Dann habe ich den Unterricht verlassen, und an einen Meeting teilgenommen. Ich hatte nicht einmal Zeit etwas zu essen. Ich musste sofort mit meinen Mitspielern an einem Wettbewerb teilnehmen. Es dauert bis 17:45. Dann musste ich sofort in die Deutschunterricht gehen. Im Unterricht konnte ich nichts verstehen, weil ich so müde war. Ich wollte ihn einfach nicht verpassen, deswegen bin ich dahin gegangen. Aber Egal. Ich bin jetzt nach Hause und kann schlafen. Also, bis später!