No time and energy to write this in a well-organized structure. So, I’ll separate these matters naively.
I’ll go to Delft on the weekend. We’ll participate in the regional contest there. To be honest, I don’t think we’ll make it. So, I’ll just try to enjoy it as a simple trip.
I had a big argument with the TAs of Automated Debugging course. I really can’t tolerate them. I feel they think just because they’re PhD students and I’m just a normal student, they’re smarter than me and whatever I say is bullshit by default. Well, I have no way to fight back. I’ll just try my last shot and talk to the clown (the professor himself) in the next week. If he was reasonable and accepted they have made some mistakes, good. If not, I won’t give a fuck and accept the course as is. I can’t force them to accept their mistakes. What else can I do? They’re more powerful than I am. They can fuck me and I can’t fuck them back, at least at the moment.
You know… Things like this have happened in my life a lot of times. A lot of times, I’ve encountered some people, they didn’t treat me well, and I had no way to fight back. I was just weaker than them. What could I do? How could I fight back? For example, I was a high school student and that person was the principal. Or I was an employee in a company and the other person was CTO.
How could I fight back? They always had more authority than I had. At those moments, if I was too sad about the situation, I made myself calm by promising myself to get stronger and fight back against them later. But as time passed, I could hardly remember any of those people. Even if I could remember them, their whole life and existence looked so worthless to me that I had no enthusiasm to harm them. Will it always be like this? I don’t know.
Keinen Weiteren Rat
Früher, als ich eine Fähigkeit von mir verbessern wollte, bat ich andere Leute um Rat, wie ich es machen muss. Zum Beispiel dachte ich gestern darüber nach, wie ich mein Deutsch verbessern kann. Ich wollte meine Lehrerin darüber fragen. Aber ich habe gedacht, dass ich schon weiß, was ich tun soll. Ich muss geduldig sein und mir große Mühe geben. Deshalb fragte ich sie nichts. Das ist auch der Fall bei den anderen Fähigkeiten. Ich weiß schon, was ich tun soll und es macht keinen Sinn, darüber immer wieder neuen Rat einzuholen. Deswegen werde ich allmählich ruhiger. Ich bleibe leise und versuche es, mehr und besser zu tun. Ich brauche keinen weiteren Rat.