I’m at Delft, and I’m surprised by the number of bikes in the city. I can even say there are more cyclists than pedestrians. That’s insane! They don’t even give a shit about the rain. It was raining heavily and still there were a lot of people travelling by bike, instead of walking and taking advantage of an umbrella, or using the public transport not to get wet. They’re just crazy!
Another thing that’s interesting to me is that it’s like the city is not designed for the smokers. I haven’t seen any trash cans having special part for the cigarettes. There aren’t even enough trash cans in the city. I always have to look for them to finally find one. Unlike Saarbrücken that you can easily find trash cans and reach one within at most 10 seconds.
Their language is also similar to German in a funny way. My German friends say Dutch is the fucked up version of German. :)) At first I thought they’re kidding, but they’re actually right. Even I can understand a lot of their words just because of the few knowledge of German that I have. It’s like a lot of their words are the same as German just written in a slightly different way. Maybe someday I’ll learn their language; Who knows?
Ah and by the way, it seems like people do more sport in here. I’m saying that just because of the number of people I’ve seen jogging. There were more joggers in here than in Saarbrücken.
Apart from Delft, I have some more things to talk about. It’s a good opportunity to get to know new people. I’m not performing well, but I think the way this situation affects me has changed. Previously, if I had a small failure in my social relations, I would get completely depressed and overthink about my possible faults. For example, I called someone in the street, trying to ask something. He looked at me after I called him, but suddenly turned his head away and continued his way. Previously, I could get very sad and think oh shit maybe it was because of my face. Today, I just said ok maybe he didn’t hear me properly, or otherwise “What an ass hole! Fuck your mother (most likely in the grave) you old stupid social weirdo piece of shit.” So yeah, maybe it’s not the best way to deal with it, but it’s the only solution I’ve found so far to help me handle my anxiety and overthinking when a social setting doesn’t go as well as I had expected: Before looking for things to blame in myself, look for possible factors outside of me, or in the other person’s behavior. Somehow, it balances my perception of the situation.
Anyway, I have a contest tomorrow. I don’t think we’re going to do perfect. We’ll make to the World Finals if we’re lucky. But most likely we won’t. I don’t care about that tbh. It’s enough for me to have a trip to Delft and Porto. Because Competitive Programming is not something that I want to invest more time in. I’ve already quit a long time ago. Currently, achieving mastery in Cybersecurity is more important to me. So, even if I’m going to compete, CTF competitions will be a better option than CP contest.
By the way, I visitied Vermeer museum today. I learned some more things about art, which I don’t care about at the moment. The thing that matters to me more was the fact that they called him “Master” in the description texts of his paintings. That triggered my deep desire toward achieving mastery in something.
I’m running out of charge. Tschüss!