My room is cold. The whole apartment is cold. It’s so cold that I wake up multiple times at night because of the coldness. I heard the previous one who lived in my room had the same problem and he had some arguments with the landlady. Their arguments were so intense that he and the landlady had to hire lawyers and eventually he gave up and left the apartment.
I wrote the landlady and complained about the situation. She said ok I’ll come to the apartment to check the heating on Monday. The thing that messed me up is that at the end of her message, she wrote “I don’t think it’s the case because I’m the only person who has said that and other people aren’t complaining.”
Such a BITCH! They’re not complaining because they’ve heard your stories. They know you don’t give a fuck and they’ve already given up because of your golden reputation. You don’t think it’s the case because they’re not complaining? Fuck you bitch. I’m shaking here out of coldness and you don’t think it’s the case? Motherfucker!
It wasn’t just her behavior that messed me up, but the fact that if she doesn’t accept to fix the situation, I can’t do anything at all. The cost of moving out of this flat and finding a new one is just too much for me, especially because of the university workload. That’s wy it reminds me of how helpless I am. If only I had enough resources, say money, I could cause her some big legal troubles. But now? I have to miserably agree with her worst reaction.
I’m just tired of this misery! I have to fix it somehow. But how exactly? That I don’t know.