It’s been a while since I started to think I need to acquire some knowledge which is completely unrelated to computer. By having such a knowledge, I want to be able to understand and think about some routine problems in a clearer way. For example, I need some psychology knowledge to understand the people around me and how they behave. By having a deeper knowledge about history, I will be able to understand why the world is how it is. By studying philosophy, I can better categorize the mindset of each person (and maybe see how to exploit it!) By reading the biography of great men, I might learn some useful tactics to improve my lifestyle.
However, the problem is that these contents in the wild are most of the times unrealistic. The sad fact about most of the people who generate these contents (and people in general) is that they don’t like to think practically. They tend to simplify stories. They tend to find shallow reasons for events. They tend to put simple unclear labels on the people and phenomenons. They tend to say “that person was good/bad” or “that person was a genius” and avoid actually studying how that person went that way. That’s what bothers me. When searching for the useful content, you really have to dig through the trash for a small piece of gold. Ah… those worthless youtubers…
Anyway. I’ll try to find some room for these stuff. I need to study them.