Hi! I watched “The Killer 2023” some nights ago. I was impressed by the style of its main character, especially about the white cloth he used for his simple workout. At the same time, I was thinking about incorporating a workout routine into my schedule, so I just tried mocking him. :)) I took a…
Author: MaGaroo
Smoke – 0/inf
I want to quit smoking, but all of my efforts have failed badly. I feel that it’s hurting me, but even that doesn’t encourage me to quit smoking. I know it’s because of my stresses, but even feeling its damage to my body causes more stress and so smoking more. Ridiculous. :)) I asked ChatGPT…
Some Random Facts
Fact: Butterfly swimming is hard. No, not hard. It’s challenging. Challenging is a better word to describe it. I think I can master it after a few training sessions, but it’s not easy for me right now. Fact: I hit my head to the wall of the pool during backstroke swimming. Although I can prevent…
Today, we held our team’s first knowledge sharing meeting. I can’t say it was good, but considering the fact that it was the first session, it had an acceptable quality. We talked about the Linux’s syscalls that are related to file system. Also, we studied some configuration parameters of Redis. I hope some day I…
Not a good day at all. I’m happy that performance is a non-negative value, because if it wasn’t, my performance would have been below zero today. I will work hard tomorrow. I promise. Also, I didn’t sleep at the appropriate time, and I’m worried about waking up for my tomorrow’s swimming class. If I sleep…
I’ve registered in a swimming class along with one of my friends. Before that, I had learned swimming partly from my father and another swimming class just before I start my bachelor program. It’s been six years since that time. Such a long time! My lack of skill in breaststroke and butterfly swimming caused me…
Disclaimer: Sorry if it’s not pleasing to read my groans. I just find writing as an outlet for my pain, and my posts are not really meant to be read by a random person as a hobby. My mind is blown because of thinking to things that I can’t control or don’t matter at all….
I’m a little anxious for no particular reason. Maybe it’s not anxiety. Maybe it’s a simple tiredness. I’m sitting behind my desk at the office, listening to the vague voice of my coworkers and waiting for my food to arrive. Maybe I’m neither anxious nor tired. Maybe I’m just hungry. I don’t know. I want…
Hello world!
Some random hacker had penetrated the services of my VPS provider and encrypted the file system of all of the servers. I lost my previous posts, and it took too long from me to find time to setup my blog again. Anyway, here I am. I’ll try to write more than before to improve my…