Some nights ago, I started to look around for some German words to add to my Anki deck. However, it happened to be hard! I mean, I had to try hard to find some unknown words. I even took a look at some long texts at the train station, but even there wasn’t a word…
Author: MaGaroo
I’m tired of being noob in software security stuff. Now that the deadline for paper submission has passed, I’m willing to put much more effort into it. I’m gonna sacrifice the ICPC stuff and won’t train much for it. After all, it’s all about priorities, isn’t it? My first milestone is: The first item wasn’t…
John the Ripper
Wow I love this stage of my life. I’m so busy I don’t have a single minute to waste. =) But yeah, of course I still waste some. My sleep schedule is destroyed. I don’t hit the gym at all. I barely even move. I don’t eat properly. But for the first time after a…
Samstag ist Scheißetag
Heute war ein schlimmer Tag. Ich bin um 12 Uhr aufgewacht, aber ich war noch so müde. Sogar Kaffee konnte mir nicht helfen. Ich entschied mich, deutsche Grammatik zu lernen. Ich versuchte, Konjunktiv zu lernen, aber es war so kompliziert und ich wurde immer müder. Danach ging ich einfach ins Bett und schlief. Ich hatte…
I went to a trip with some Iranian friends. One of them was fluent in German language. I was so0o0o impressed when he was speaking to other people in German. It really motivated me, even more than the times when I was surrounded by German friends. It was mostly about the fact that German wasn’t…
Needle in Haystack
It’s been a while since I started to think I need to acquire some knowledge which is completely unrelated to computer. By having such a knowledge, I want to be able to understand and think about some routine problems in a clearer way. For example, I need some psychology knowledge to understand the people around…
Good Threads
Last night after writing the blog post, I directly went to bed and started to watch the first episode of Mr. Robot. It had a strange feeling, and I had some strange thoughts. I felt like I’m treading a fine line. Most of my problems can lead to two very different outcomes. I’m excited and…
My room is cold. The whole apartment is cold. It’s so cold that I wake up multiple times at night because of the coldness. I heard the previous one who lived in my room had the same problem and he had some arguments with the landlady. Their arguments were so intense that he and the…
Some days ago, I faced a challenge. I reached out to my old friends to seek support. When I told them I need to talk and I need help, they were very happy and excited to help. But when I started to explain my problem, they could not understand me at all. One of them,…
I wanted to write it in Twitter, but it’s too personal to be shared on Twitter. I wish I could take action instead of thinking. This overthinking is killing me. But of course, I’m curious to see how it will make me stronger if it doesn’t kill me.