You abandon your homeland, your friends, your diaries, and everything else. You leave your everything behind and go to a whole different land. You start to live with new people. People who haven’t grown up in a similar environment to yours. You do all of these because you pursue a bigger dream, or at least…
Author: MaGaroo
What a dark night it is… I just ended a >5 years long relationship. Damn it’s so hard… I keep thinking would it go better if I also received my US visa? Would it go better if I was with her and wasn’t forced to continue this relationship long distance? Who should I blame? Should…
I hadn’t written anything in the past ~3 weeks. Nothing important was happening during those days though. I don’t know what I’m going to write but I’m so bored and I would like to write something. Let’s start from what I did today. I woke up at 0830, took a shower, ate breakfast, and came…
Baby Steps
As I said before, I’m just trying to not avoid failures, but to embrace them as a part of process. I really feel like I’m developing an invaluable skill. When everything seems not right, it helps a lot to look for your micro-achievements and celebrate them. Yesterday, I asked one of my old questions from…
It’s not a language barrier, it’s a language BARRIER. I’m trying to talk to new people. The thing that I didn’t expect is that I run out of things to talk about very soon. It didn’t happen when I used to talk in Persian language. It’s like most of my nerve cells are just trying…
My First Impressions from Academia
I’ve recently started to work on a research project. I haven’t had a real research experience before, and I’m going to talk about my first impressions in this post. I hate people who generalize their first impressions and tell them to other people with a lot of confidence. This might misguide people severely. Thus, keep…
It’s Working (Apparently)
This is simply an update just to say it seems the changes I mentioned in the previous post are working. I’m going to continue and see if anything goes wrong. Stay tuned.
Coinfidence? I think NOT
I hereby announce that I’m going to modify my personality according to the change in my environment. I’ve always been too humble and it was a useful trait back in Iran, but I think it won’t work here. That’s based on my experiences and what an older friend of mine told me. Thus, I think…
At this time, it’s been ~50 days since I arrived at Germany. I try to write about my feelings every now and then because before I leave Iran, it was a big question for me that how people feel after leaving their home and going to another country to live for a long time. Before…
I just wanted it to be noted somewhere, and where could be better than here? I hate being a pawn on the chess board of politicians. A lot of people hate it too, but most of them are just some noisy kids always complaining about it. They try to change the game, but at the…