I hadn’t written anything in the past ~3 weeks. Nothing important was happening during those days though.
I don’t know what I’m going to write but I’m so bored and I would like to write something. Let’s start from what I did today. I woke up at 0830, took a shower, ate breakfast, and came to the university. I participated in a virtual programming contest with a friend. That contest went well; We solved almost all of the problems except one, because it was very geometric and I wasn’t in the mood. At first, it felt good to finish so early, but after that I found myself in the middle of the department’s building, having nothing to do. MPI’s people were also having a party in the department’s open area. I was just smoking and looking at them, and I couldn’t keep the thought of not having a job out of my mind.
I don’t have a job and it makes me angry when I think about the story of that professor X. I was ready to spend a whole amount of my time and energy for his projects and obviously I’m better than most (if not all) of his HiWi students. And yet he didn’t even consider me. He fucking even didn’t consider me to work for him and after realizing that I’m actually a good candidate he didn’t even bother to change his words and offer me. Damn… Only if I had that job, I could buy anything I need. (but currently can’t because of not having an income)
A part of me wants to keep calm and keep working for him for free until the next semester, hoping that he will eventually hire me. BUT a part of me wants to say a big FUCK YOU and move on. Maybe work for another professor, or maybe even work at a company and probably enjoy the higher salary.
[A few days later…]
So, here’s the thing. I’ll send an email to my other favorite security professors at CISPA. If they accepted me, good. If not, I’ll try sending an email to security professors outside CISPA but in Germany. If even that didn’t work, I’ll send emails to the professors at MPI-INF. I think someone will finally hire me.
What contest did you participate in?
Was it a CTF? Or some kind of algorithmic contest on codeforces?
A Codeforces contest.