I only slept for 4 hours today and rushed to the university right after I woke up without having breakfast. I had to participate in a practice contest. I messed up in the contest. I wrote a code with an average bugs per line higher than 1. While I was debugging the code, one of my teammates said something funny about me, but it totally messed me up. And then another one said something random about his own life, and it messed me up even more.
I really hate feeling like this. I consciously know that if I had had breakfast and enough sleep, I wouldn’t feel so bad. But still, I can’t shake of this irritation. Isn’t it ridiculous? I KNOW I shouldn’t feel like this and the things that have happened are not a big deal at all. But I can’t control my emotions and feel awful anyway.
Normally, I’d say I’ll go home and catch up on sleep, but I can’t. I have to stay at the university and study in order to hand in some assignments. The whole semester is going to be like this. I hope at least I can manage my diet and sleep schedule so that I don’t get this messed up again.
Enough talking, I’ll finish the assignment and then go home to sleep.
Uh, don’t overthink dude. It happens to the best of us. Just go on about your day, and start strong the next day! Think about why things didn’t go well that day, why you didn’t sleep enough, and try not to repeat them! If you improve yourself like 1 percent every day, after 3 months you become almost 2.5x better!! Just take small steps.
One step at a time, one punch at a time, one round at a time! 💪