He simply woke, looked out the open door at the moon and unrolled his trousers and put them on. He urinated outside the shack and then went up the road to wake the boy. He was shivering with the morning cold. But he knew he would shiver himself warm and that soon he would be…
I Made a Demon
Back then when I was studying for the entrance exam of Master’s degree (is it called like this? I don’t care), I developed a habit of self-destruction to increase my performance. If I scored 95% in a sample exam, I started to balme myself for that lost 5%. Its reason should be obvious. By doing…
Our summer break is arriving and I don’t have any plans for it. It will last for more than two months. So sad… I see some people having a lot of plans for it. I also tried to find a summer internship but I couldn’t. But no worries… I’ll figure out a way to enjoy…
Open World
I remember when I was in highschool and had just started to freely go around in Tehran along with my friends, one of them asked me “Isn’t it like open world games? We are discovering new areas in our city. Previously, we didn’t even know those places exist.” He was right at that moment. But…
It seems my legs are getting stronger after a few times of riding to the university by bike. I like it! At first, I used to end up being in 2nd or 3rd gear at the end of my way, but last time, I rode the whole way in 6th gear. Always feels good to…
Two good things happened today. Actually, more than two good things happened, but I’m not going to talk about the other ones for various reasons, although they’re more exciting. There are some specific acquaintances at the university that play the role of boxsacks for my new under-development personality. I deliberately try to behave to them…
Today, I finally finished Duolingo’s German A1 sections. I’m so happy. =) But there are fucking 51 units under the A2 section. I hope to finish it before August 15th. During the last ~15 days, I’ve been studying at least a unit per day, sometimes even two or three. Let’s wait and see how it…
The first time I went to Heimbar, it was by the invitation of a friend. The next week, she asked again and I was feeling sick. This week, I asked her and she couldn’t come because of a problem. I didn’t know whether I should go there alone and meet new people or to just…
I’m so excited about my first experiences trying not to be nice. I opened a pull request (here) and called the approach of another developer “nasty”. It might look like a really small thing, but it’s considered a big move for me. I also wanted to add a “I don’t care” at the end of…
I need to stop my life and reconsider my goals and tasks. More generally, I need to identify every single source of stress in my life and resolve it. I really need this. So, I think I’m gonna skip the university for some days to resolve these issues and then return to my normal life….